I'm Yash Bellary


Name: Yash Bellary

Title: Student

Email: bellaryyash23@gmail.com

Mobile: +91 8999697807

Birth Date: 23/06/2002


python Python 90%
java Java 80%
c C & cplusplus C++ 75%
html5 HTML & css3 CSS3 80%
javascript Javascript 70%
react React 60%
bootstrap Bootstrap 75%
flask Flask 70%
express Express 75%
nodejs NodeJS 70%
sqlite SQL 65%
mongodb MongoDB 75%
pandas Data Science & tensorflow Machine Learning 70%
About me

👉I am a Self-Learner, always curious to explore any new tech stack. I am proficient at Java, Python, C and C++ Programming. I have a Logical & Problem-Solving attitude which I have developed solving problems using Data Structures & Algorithms.

👉I am a Full Stack Web Developer with knowledge of Front-end tech stacks like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap and ReactJS. I have experience of working on Back-end tech stacks like Python Flask, Django, NodeJS, ExpressJS, etc. Along with this I also have developed my understanding with Database Management Systems like SQLite and MongoDB.

👉I am curiously and keenly exploring the field of Data Science and Machine Learning by understanding various ML algorithms, designing accurate and precise models and looking for new opportunities to learn and develop my knowledge in this field.

👉I am also pursuing Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering @ PCCOE Pune.

Click Here to view My Resume



Fields in which I have developed expertise.

Web Development

Proficient Full-Stack Web Developer. Good knowledge of tech stacks such as MERN stack, Flask,etc. Completed the course on The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp

Python Development

Python in Web Development with Back-end using Flask. Studied use case of packages like Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, etc. Earned Certificate of Python Development

Data Structures & Algorithm

Completed Data Structures & Algorithm in C, C++, Java and Python. Have take part in various hackathons and have moderate competative coding experience.


As a part of my curious AI/ML enthusiast I have understood using and implementing MATLAB software and have a good understanding of the fundamentals of the platform. Completed the MATLAB Onramp certification successfully. Completed the Signal Processing Onramp certification. Completed the Machine Learning Onramp certification. Completed the Deep Learning Onramp certification.

Version Control

Version control is one of the most fundamental skill for any software developer. The proper implementation of technologies like Git, GitHub are crucial in the Software development life cycle. Completed the Version Control certification offered by Meta via Coursera successfully.

Machine Learning

I have immense interest in the Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning field. To understand the fundamentals in this field I have completed the ML Crash course Offered by Google. I did not stop there, for a more deep dive into this field I took up the Machine Learning Specialization offered by DeepLearning.Ai and Stanford University via Coursera. Done Machine Learning Specalization taught by Andrew Ng.


Projects and Applications I have developed showcasing my skills

✍Blog Website

Web Development / April 2022

A Fully Functional Blog Website where new users can register via their email and be able to comment on particular blogs and use the built in Text Editor to customize their comments.

😇Personal Website

Web Design / July 2022

Built a Personal & Portfolio Website for sharing my experiences and achievements.
Click Here to view website

🎬Top Movies Website

Web Development / June 2022

A website which allows users enlist their Top 10 Favourite Movies and along with that be able to add Review & Ratings to the respective movies. The users can use this website to maintain their binge watch list and be able to update it to keep it relevant to them.

☕Cafe API

RESTful API / September 2022

An API which provides users details regarding Cafés in London and allows users to GET cafes data, POST a new café entry, PATCH update the coffee price of certain cafe & DELETE a café from the database. The API is built on the REST API architecture.
Click Here to View API Documentation

📚 Library Management App

Web Development & DBMS / November 2022

A Library Management portal app where, the user's can manage their books collections and maintain a library of books. Built using ReactJS along with Flask and SQLite.

🏡House Price Predictor

Data Science & ML / October 2022

Predict Housing Prices by Multivariable Regression using Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, & Sci-kit Learn of Python.We first use Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib & Seaborn to analyse the Housing data provided. We set up the model using Sci-kit Learn library.